Every Company Needs a Video Strategy

video for business is future
Fast Company has a great article predicting that video will become the primary communication tool for business. Despite having a real horse in this race, I have to agree. For myself, I know I will almost always opt to let a video tell me the information rather than studying a page of text. Call it laziness, lack of focus or an epidemic of multi-tasking, video, if done right, is often a more effective tool for communicating and visualizing ideas and information. Moreover, it can entertain, grab attention and communicate subtleties about your brand and culture that text and still images often cannot (and yes, the irony that I am writing this in text and images is not lost on me). LOL!

“Not having a video strategy for 2017 is like not having a digital strategy in 2000.”

People don’t want to be sold things they want to be told stories.  (I’m definitely stealing this idea from way smarter people than myself: probably at a minimum Seth Godin and Tim Ferriss.) People want to know about a product or service as if a friend were telling them.  We’re smart and savvy humans.  We know when someone is selling us something. Tell us about the thing in an honest way and we’ll decide if we need or want it.   We respond to stories. We’ve been listening to them for thousands and thousands of years.  Video gives you all the tools you need to tell your story… and more like a “film maker” and less like a “Infomercial.”  Thank God.

“…more video is uploaded in 30 days than the top three U.S. TV networks have created in the past 30 years.”

We’ve been creating corporate video since 2001 or so.  And honestly, there’s never been a better time to start finding your video voice.  We have amazing tools and stunning quality we could only dream about a few years ago. Drones, aerial video, stedicams, sliders and amazing 4K video are now common tools we use on a daily basis.  Of course without a compelling story or script and a vision, all those pretty images are just eye candy.   But when you can bring story and images together in a truly creative and honest way the results can be amazing and compelling for everyone.






Filming some science

Filming some how-to videos at the Thermo Fisher scientific labs is always a fun day except that I always walk away feeling like an idiot when it comes to genomes. 🙂

Scientific videos

SunRun Solar

SunRun Solar installed a demo house showcasing their innovative solar technologies at the Fashion Valley Mall in San Diego. Filming this promotional video over several months was a blast because it allowed us to capture the public’s excitment and interest in this alternative energy source. Clearly most people aren’t sure about what it takes to get panels on their roof. SunRun has an interesting business model that takes a lot of the confusion out of the solar buying process. And they were super fun to work with which is always a bonus.

Non-profit Fundraiser

Besides being a swell couple of guys, Mike and Austin are roommates in the Supported Living department at Community Interface Services Not only does Austin get paid to hang out with Mike and help with the little things in life that can be challenging for adults with disabilities, but they also go to Padres’ games, bowling and lots of other fun activities. Supported Living roommates help CIS realize our fundamental philosophy and belief that people with disabilities belong out in the community where they can can contribute to society, live, laugh and love along with the rest of us. We think Mike and Austin exemplify this ideal and also make a great team!

Organization: Community Interface Services
Website: Community Interface Services
Description: Established in 1983, Community Interface Services is a non-profit social services organization based in San Diego, Ca serving adults and children with developmental disabilities.

Entry without preview image

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Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus.

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Time Lapse Mission Bay, San Diego

While filming a conference on Mission Bay we ran a few timelapses during the sessions. Many thanks to Erik Rochner who helped with many of the sequences.

Urban Style Wedding Network – Urban Meets Hamptons

We had a blast providing event video coverage for this fun San Diego business networking group under our sister video company Lloyd Films. Hidden away in the hills near Poway and Ramona is Mt. Woodson Castle, a beautiful and delightfully hand-crafted piece of early 20th century architecture, which seems hewn from the surrounding rock and trees. What a cool place to hold a business mixer.

Hop-Con 2013 – Stone Brewing Co.

What’s the best way to celebrate the annual migration of nerdom to San Diego that is Comicon..? Why it’s Beer of course! And not just any beer, but Stone Brewing Company beer. In honor of this auspicious occasion Stone Brewing Co. created a special beer called W00tStout made “from the most unlikely yet intensely imaginative trio that is actor and uber-geek champion Wil Wheaton, alternative news website Fark.com creator Drew Curtis and Stone CEO/Co-founder Greg Koch, comes an imperial stout unlike any ever made.” We were invited to provide video coverage of Tim Altbaum’s excellent DJ skills at the event. It was a w00t!

HP Moonshot Promo